Along with the ability to compare of national-level indicators and delve into urban stories, the updated version of the UPLIFT Interactive Atlas now includes a data dashboard which enables users to make comparisons of urban-level data for the project’s 16 case study locations.

The Interactive Atlas provides an engaging, intuitive and contemporary way for academics, policy makers and others to explore and understand the insights created through the UPLIFT project. The Young Foundation developed this interactive tool to ensure outputs produced throughout the project are both accessible to a range of audiences, and able to influence key stakeholders.

The data and insight has been packaged and visualised in several different ways, to enable a range of audiences to use the data for different purposes. The first version of the Atlas included three components:

  1. National data explorer: users can navigate between numerous national indicators of inequality analysed in D1.3
  1. Urban stories: users can delve into insights on inequalities and policies affecting urban youth, across education, employment and housing, from the D2.2 urban reports
  1. Innovation story: users can explore the case studies of post-crisis policy innovation from D2.3.

We are continuously iterating the Atlas with updates to incorporate additional insight and new ways to explore the data. This new version includes the urban data explorer: a data dashboard to explore the available local data for each of the UPLIFT case study locations, and make comparisons across these urban areas. This functionality both enables users to gain an in-depth understanding of the data available for an urban area of interest; and to consider the data comparatively and in the context of the other case study locations. This facilitates the synthesis of our understanding of socioeconomic inequalities across different urban contexts (explored in D2.4).