Today, Łódz has become a major hub for the Polish business service sector and infrastructure has developed and unemployment has dropped and stabilised. With many educational institutions and students, Łódz is considered an academic centre of Poland but the city remains economically fragile with low activity rates, and ongoing population decline.

Key Facts

Population: 690,000
Country: Poland


A former industrial hub, Łódz is the third largest municipality in Poland and the capital of Łódz region. Up until the 1960s, the city relied heavily on its textile industry and once this was in steady decline, the unemployment rate soared. In the early 2000s, 20% of the city’s population were out of a job, eventually leading 25% of the people to move away. Today, Łódz has become a major hub for the Polish business service sector. Infrastructure has developed and the city is more connected to major transport routes. Unemployment has dropped and stabilised at 6%. With many educational institutions and students making up approx. 10% of the city’s population, Łódz is considered an academic centre of Poland. Still, the city remains economically fragile with low activity rates, and ongoing population decline.

Official deliverables

D2.2 Urban report - Lodz

Łódź Urban Story Our storymaps draw together insights on inequalities and policies affecting urban youth, across education, employment and housing, from the WP2 urban reports and data analyses.